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Over the course of September, a 1v1 Arena tournament will take place. The Tournament is aimed at people with a rating lower than 1400 on the 1v1 Beginners ladder. More info about sign up eligibility is found below.

Hosted by: KiG0

To be played in: Tournament Lobby; VCOM Ladder

Signing up:

Rules and settings :

The aim is to have 32 players signed up before the 28th of August 2016. If less than 32 people sign up, the tournament will be reduced in size and instead be played with the first 16 participants.

The first prize is a one-year silver Voobly account, and an award on his/her profile. The runner up will also receive an award on his/her profile.

Sign Up Eligibility
- Players must be less then 1400 on the RM - Beginners ladder
- Players must have less then 30 games played between the RM - 1v1 and RM - Team Games Ladders (Medieval Siege Lobby)

If you have any questions, send me a private message.